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Budde G. (2023) Origin of 182W Anomalies in Ocean Island Basalts
Archer GJ, Budde G, Worsham EA, Stracke A, Jackson MG & Kleine T
(2022) Apparent Mo Isotope Anomalies Resulting from Non-Exponential Mass Fractionation
Budde G, Tissot FLH, Kleine T & Marquez RT
(2021) Dynamic Evolution of the Inner Solar System Inferred from Ti and Cr Isotope Anomalies in Meteorites
Wölfer E, Burkhardt C, Schneider J, Budde G & Kleine T
(2021) Isotopic Constraints on the Mode of Terrestrial Planet Formation
Burkhardt C, Spitzer F, Morbidelli A, Budde G, Render J, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2021) On the Analytical 183W Effect and the Interpretation of Terrestrial W Isotope Variations
Budde G, Archer GJ, Tissot FLH & Kleine T
(2020) Nucleosynthetic W-Mo Isotope Variations in Solar System Materials
Budde G, Tissot FLH, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2019) Genetic Heritage and Chronology of Ungrouped Iron Meteorites
Spitzer F, Burkhardt C, Budde G, Kruijer TS & Kleine T
(2019) Linking Molecular Cloud Collapse with Formation of Refractory Inclusions
Brennecka G, Burkhardt C, Budde G, Nimmo F, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2019) Combined Al-Mg and Hf-W Isotope Systematics of a Large Type B CAI
Budde G, Ebel DS, Chaussidon M & Kleine T
(2018) Tracing Volatile Accretion Dynamics by Mars' Mo Isotopic Composition
Burkhardt C, Budde G, Kruijer T & Kleine T
(2018) Earth’s Accretion History Inferred from the Molybdenum Isotope Dichotomy of Meteorites
Budde G, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2017) Dating the Formation Jupiter Using the Genetic Heritage and Isotopic Ages of Meteorites
Kruijer T, Burkhardt C, Budde G & Kleine T
(2016) Molybdenum Isotope Dichotomy of Meteorites
Fischer-Gödde M, Render J, Budde G, Burkhardt C & Kleine T
(2016) Isotopic Complementarity of Chondrules and Matrix
Budde G, Kleine T, Kruijer TS, Burkhardt C, Fischer-Gödde M & Metzler K
(2015) Tungsten Stable Isotope Variations Investigated by Double Spike MC-ICPMS
Krabbe N, Kruijer T, Budde G & Kleine T
(2015) Hf-W Chronometry of Allende Chondrules and Matrix
Budde G, Kleine T, Kruijer TS & Metzler K
(2015) Planetesimal Differentiation Revealed by High-Precision 182W Measurements
Kleine T, Kruijer T, Budde G & Fischer-Gödde M
(2013) Evaluation of the Lu-Hf-in-Lawsonite Geochronometer
Budde G & Scherer EE

Buddo D. (2017) Radon Tracers of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in Jamaica
Paulino S, Gordon-Smith D-A, Buddo D, Bokuniewicz H, Rapaglia J & Zaggia L

Budi A. (2017) Molecular Simulations of CO2 in Aqueous Solutions at Calcite Surfaces
Silvestri A, Budi A, Ataman E, Andersson MP, Stipp SLS, Gale JD & Raiteri P
(2016) Solvation and Thermodynamic Effects on Small Organic Molecules on Calcite
Budi A, Stipp SLS & Andersson MP

Budja M. (2003) Determination of Nutrition Habits of Neolithic Habitants Using Stable Isotope Approach
Ogrinc N & Budja M

Budko D. (2017) Trace Metal's Occurence Forms during Diagenesis of the White and Barents Seas' Bottom Sediments
Demina L & Budko D

Budnitskiy C. (2007) Method Measurement of Ar Isotopes in He Stream (Conflo) for K/Ar Geochronology
Ignatiev A, Velivetskaya T & Budnitskiy C

Budnitsky S. (2015) Variations Δ17O of H2O2 Formed in Electrical Discharge with Water Vapor and Oxygen
Velivetskaya T, Ignatiev A, Yakovenko V & Budnitsky S
(2013) Method for Measurement of Argon Isotopes in Helium Flow for K/Ar Geochronology
Budnitskiy S, Ignatiev A & Velivetskaya T

Budsky A. (2019) TERMITE 2.0 – An R Script for Data Reduction of LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Measurements
Rupprecht D, Mertz-Kraus R, Mischel S, Budsky A, Jochum KP & Scholz D

Budwill K. (2014) Comparative Metagenomics of in situ and Enrichment Microbial Communities Manifesting Coal Biomethanation Phenotypes
Budwill K, Page A & Hallam S
(2011) Microbial Diversity and Physiology of Alberta Coal Seams
Budwill K & Koziel S

Budyak A. (2017) Sources of Neoproterozoic Metasediments of the Baikal-Patom Belt: Sm-Nd and Pb Isotope Data
Chugaev A, Budyak A & Chernyshev I
(2013) GIS Mapping of Geological Features of the Baikal Mountain Region Based on Integrated Geochemical Indicators
Budyak A & Parshin A

Budzinski Hélène (2011) Importance of Syntrophic Acetate Oxidation during Thermophilic Municipal Solid Wastes Anaerobic Digestion
Mazeas L, Grossin-Debattista J, Qu X, Guenne A, He P, Budzinski H, Le Munier M & Bouchez T

Budzinski Helene (2023) A Combined Retrospective and Spatial Analysis of PFAS in River Sediments Demonstrates Changes in Both Levels and Patterns over the Last 40 Years (Rhône River, France)
Mourier B, Marchand P, Winiarski T, Budzinski H & Labadie P
(2021) Metrology for Monitoring of Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Under the EU Water Framework Directive
Steinhaeuser L, Lardy-Fontan S, Piechotta C, Heath E, Balzamo S, Gardia-Parège C, Gökcen T, Budzinski H & Perkola N

Buechel Georg (2012) Strata-Specific Bacterial Diversity in Aquifers of the Thuringian Basin/Germany
Beyer A, Lonschinski M, Kothe E & Buechel G

Buechel George (2013) Strata-Specific Bacterial Diversity in Aquifers of the Thuringian Basin/Germany
Beyer A, Burow K, Kothe E & Buechel G

Buechele A.C. (2017) Role of Potassium in Degradation of Nineteenth Century Glass Flutes
Muller IS, Buechele AC, Barberis A, Perez-Gokhale R, Pegg IL, Brostoff LB, Kivi N, Ward-Bamford CL & France F
(2013) Studies of Nuclear Waste Form Glasses with Synchrotron Radiation
Shuh D, Lukens W, Icenhower J, Darab J, Tyliszczak T, Bluhm H, McKeown D, Buechele A, Muller I & Pegg I

Buechi M. (2021) 4He/U-Th Dating of Pore Waters from Quaternary Sediments of the Swiss Midland
Tomonaga Y, Buechi M, Deplazes G & Kipfer R

Buegger F. (2014) Determination of δ15N and δ18O in Nitrate: A Method Comparison
Ryabenko E, Stoewer M, Wunderlich A, Einsiedl F, Knoeller K, Elsner M & Buegger F

Bueker P. (2013) Co-benefits of Tackling Poor Air Quality and Regional Climate: A Focus on Ecosystems
Emberson L, Hicks K & Bueker P

Buelens P. (2023) Geochemistry of the Larvik Plutonic Complex and its Implications for the Genesis of its Fe-Ti-P-Ree Mineralization
Buelens P, Debaille V, Decrée S & Coint N
(2021) Petrography and Geochemistry to Unravel the Genesis of the Larvik Plutonic Complex and its Fe-Ti-P-Ree-Rich Rocks
Buelens P, Debaille V, Decrée S & Coint N

Buelow M.C. (2014) Examining the Impacts of Pyrogenic Carbon on Organic Matter Storage in Forest Soils
Buelow MC, Mukome FND, Boyce A, Sayre M, Robertson G, Jenkins BM, Horwath WR & Parikh SJ

Buenemann E. (2011) Where Life Meets Rocks: Understanding P Cycling during the Early Phases of Soil Formation
Tamburini F, Bernasconi SM, Pfahler V, Buenemann E & Frossard E

Buenning J. (2022) Stable Isotope and Trace Element Discrimination, and Barite Formation in Modern Carbonate Sinters of the Temperate Climate Zone
Böttcher ME, Winde V, Buenning J, Dellwig O, Roeser P, Escher P & Struck U

Buenning N. (2013) Diagnosing the Hydroclimate Influences on Soil Water δ18O: Precipitation δ18O, Evaporation, or Moisture Transport?
Kanner L, Buenning N, Stott L, Timmerman A, Noone D & Sloan L

Bueno Maité (2015) Understanding Bio-Volatilization Pathways of Trace Metal(loid)s (Hg, Se, Sn, …) in Aquatic Environments: Field and Lab Approaches
Amouroux D, Tessier E, Lanceleur L, Perrot V & Bueno M
(2015) Selenium Volatilization and Isotopic Fractionation Induced by Micro Organisms during Respiratory Reduction of Sulphate and Fumarate
Lanceleur L, Tessier E, Bueno M, Berail S, Hakil F, Guyoneaud R & Amouroux D
(2010) Influence of Vegetation Type and Climate on Native Selenium Distribution and Speciation in Soils
Le Hécho I, Tolu J, Bueno M, Thiry Y & Potin-Gautier M
(2010) A New Methodology to Determine Trace Selenium Speciation in Soils
Tolu J, Le Hécho I, Bueno M, Thiry Y & Potin-Gautier M

Bueno Maïté (2019) Insights into the Speciation of Arsenic, Selenium and Mercury in Saline Lakes of the Bolivian Altiplano
Guedron S, Tolu J, Tessier E, Bueno M, Mestrot A, Acha D & Amouroux D
(2019) Impact of Forest Canopy on Iodine, Selenium and Cesium Atmospheric Inputs on Forest Ecosystems
Roulier M, Bueno M, Coppin F, Nicolas M, Thiry Y, Rigal F, Le Hécho I & Pannier F
(2019) Biogeochemistry of Selenium Compounds in the Water Column of a Warm Monomictic Lake (Lake Kinneret, Israel)
Romero-Rama A, Bueno M, Tessier E, Be'eri-Shlevin Y, Sukenik A, Nishri A & Amouroux D
(2019) Carbon Dioxide Emissions from High Altitude Lakes in Relation with their Geochemistry
Duval B, Kortazar L, Fernandez LA, Romero Rama A, Tessier E, Bueno M, Amouroux D & de Diego A
(2019) Speciation and Fate of Hg and Se Species in the Water Column of High Altitude Lakes (Pyrenees)
Duval B, Romero Rama A, Tessier E, Bueno M, de Diego A & Amouroux D

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