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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Bryson James F. J. (2023) Unmixing the Mix-Up in the Solar Nebula Using ε54Cr and Volatile Element Concentrations in Chondrites
Sridhar S, Gilchrist AM, Barling J, Holdship P, Render J, Brennecka G & Bryson JFJ

Bryson M. (2023) Methodologies for Quantification of CO2 Drawdown by Enhanced Weathering
McDermott F, Bryson M, Magee R & van Acken D

Bryson S. (2014) Geochemistry of Northern Stream Waters: Metal Mobility and Implications for Mineral Exploration in the MacMillan Pass, Yukon
Bryson S, Fortin D & McCurdy M

Bryxina N.A. (2001) Statistical Characteristics of Oscillatory Zoning in Agate from Arc-Bogdo, Mongolia
Bryxina NA, Ripinen OI & Halden NM

Brzezinski M.A. (2015) Interpreting the Oceanic Silicon Stable Isotope Distribution: Insights from Ocean GCMs
de Souza G, Slater R, Dunne J, Hain M, Brzezinski M & Sarmiento J
(2014) Model-Based Assessment of the Sources of the North Atlantic Si Isotope Signature
de Souza GF, Brzezinski MA, Slater RD & Sarmiento JL
(2014) Coupling of Silicon Isotopes to the Meridional Overturning Circulation of the North Atlantic Ocean
Brzezinski M & Jones J
(2011) Southern Ocean Nitrogen and Silicon Dynamics during the Last Deglaciation
Robinson R, Horn M, Beucher C & Brzezinski M
(2006) An inter-laboratory calibration of Si isotope reference materials
Reynolds BC, Aggarwal J, Brzezinski MA, Cardinal D, Engström E, Georg RB, Land M, Leng M, Opfergelt S & Vroon PZ
(2002) The δ30Si Values of Soil Weathering Profiles: Indicators of Si Pathways at the Lithosphere/Hydro(bio)sphere Interface
Ziegler K, Chadwick OA, Kelly EF & Brzezinski MA
(2000) Silicon Isotope Fractionation during Weathering and Soil Formation: Experimental Results
Ziegler K, Chadwick OA, Kelly EF, Brzezinski MA & DeNiro MJ

Brzozowski Matthew (2020) Cu Isotope Fractionation by Cu–PGE Mineralizing Processes in the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, Canada
Brzozowski M, Li W, Good D & Wu C
(2016) Oxide Mineralogy as a Record of Postmagmatic Processes in the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, NW Ontario: Significance of Textures
Brzozowski M, Samson I, Gagnon J, Good D & Linnen R

Brzozowski Matthew Jacek (2022) Sulfide Liquid Evolution is Recorded by Iron Isotopes in the Cu–PGE Mineralization of the Eastern Gabbro, Coldwell Complex, Canada
Brzozowski MJ, Li W, Good D & Wu C

Bu J. (2014) Contribution of Fly Ash to Heavy Metal Contamination of Chinese Croplands Revealed with Q-ICP-MS
Ying S, Weiss D, Bu J, Zhao R, Gan Y, Wang Y, Wilcox J & Fendorf S

Bu K. (2019) Radium Isotopes to Distinguish Sedimentary and Glacial Sources of (Micro)nutrients
Annett A, Hendry K, Williams J, Sherrell R, Hatton J, Ward R, Woodward M, Roccanova V & Bu K

Bu R. (2019) The Influence of Glacier Cover on Trace Metal Input and Cycling in Patagonian Fjords
Hawkings J, Sherrell R, Conway T, Wadham J, Hendry K, Pryer H, Daneri G, Torres R, Bertrand S, Kellerman A, Marshall M, Beaton A, Ng HC, Roccanova V, Bu R, Summers B, Benning L & Spencer R

Bu Wenrui (2009) The Enrichment of Platinum Group Elements (PGE) in Co-rich Crusts from the Central and Western Pacific
Bu W, Shi X, Liu J & Glasby GP

Bu Wenting (2016) Analytical Methodology and Potential Applications of a New Geochemical Tracer of 135Cs/137Cs Isotope Ratio
Zheng J, Cao L, Bu W, Tagami K & Uchida S

Bu X. (2022) A General Approach for Reactive Transport Simulations in Stiff Geochemical/Biogeochemical Systems
Bu X, Dai H, Yuan S & Wen Z

Buachidze N. (2020) Study of the Likelihood of Emerging Illegal Dumpsites in High Mountainous Rural Regions of Georgia
Dvalishvili N & Buachidze N
(2020) Assessment of the Some Benefits of Uncontrolled Landfills in Georgia
Buachidze N, Dvalishvili N & Subladze E

Buatier M (2006) Nd-Sr isotopic and REY geochemistry of metalliferous sediments in a low-temperature off-axis hydrothermal environment.
Bodei S, Steinmann M & Buatier M
(2004) Fluid-Sediment Interaction in a Low-Temperature Off-Axis Hydrothermal Environment (Cocos Plate, Costa Rica Margin)
Bodeï S, Steinmann M, Buatier M & Wheat G

Buatier Martine (2021) Magnetic Mineral Diagenesis and Associated Biogeochemical Processes in Cold Seepage and Gas Hydrate Sites of the Guaymas Basin
Kars M, Pastor L, Burin C, Morono Y, Koornneef LMT, Höfig TW, Teske A, Lizarralde D, Aiello I, Ash J, Bojanova D, Buatier M, Edgcomb VP, Galerne C, Gontharet S, Heuer VB, Jiang S, Kim J-H, Marsaglia K, Meyer NR, Neumann F, Negrete R, Peña-Salinas M, Perez Cruz L, Ran L, Riboulleau A, Sarao J, Schubert F, Singh SK, Stock J, Toffin L, Xie W, Xu S, Yamanaka T & Zhuang G
(2019) Chemical Weathering of the West African Craton during the EOT: A Li and Sr Isotopic Approach
Hodel F, Grespan R, Chardon D, Rouby D, Buatier M, Destringneville C, De Rafelis M, Dera G, Lézin C, Nardin E & Chavagnac V

Bube C. (2011) Thermodynamics of Long-Term Metastable Magnesium (Chloro) Hydroxo Carbonates at 25℃
Bube C, Altmaier M, Metz V, Schild D, Kienzler B & Neck V
(2011) Am(III) Retention by Cement Corrosion Products Under Highly Saline Conditions
Metz V, Bube C, Bohnert E, Schlieker M & Kienzler B

Bublikova T. (2013) Experimental and Theoretical Study of Malachite Solubility in Ammonia Aqueous Solutions
Bublikova T, Setkova T & Balitsky V

Bubphamanee K. (2022) A Shale-Hosted Selenium Isotope Record of Paleozoic Ocean Oxygenation
Kipp MA, Bubphamanee K, Stüeken EE, Tissot FLH, Algeo TJ, Brocks JJ, Dahl TW, Kinsley J & Buick R

Bucca M. (2010) Precipitation Kinetics of Cerussite and Hydrocerussite in the Presence of Biogenic Carbonates
Cubillas P, Bucca M, Anderson M, Latal C, Dietzel M & Kohler S
(2009) Coupled Precipitation and Dissolution Kinetics of Hydrocerussite in Presence of Aragonitic Shells
Bucca M, Cubillas P & Köhler SJ

Buccarella Hedegaard S. (2017) A Highly Unusual Constituent in Roman Polychromy
Buccarella Hedegaard S, Rodler A, Bredal-Jørgensen J, Klein S & Brøns C

Buccianti A. (2021) Is the Dissipative Behavior of River Chemistry and Catchment Weathering Dynamics Reflected in their Frequency Distributions?
Sauro Graziano R, Kleidon A, Buccianti A, Gozzi C, Nisi B & Vaselli O
(2021) Can Compositional Changes In Riverine Chemistry Monitor Geochemical Regime Shifts?
Gozzi C, Dakos V, Buccianti A, Vaselli O & Sauro Graziano R
(2019) A microXRF Study of Silicon and its Behaviour in Lung Tissues with Evidence of Silicosis
Di Benedetto F, Belluso E, Cappella S, Visonà S, Moretti M, Osculati A, Buccianti A, Giaccherini A, Romanelli M, Montegrossi G, Arcangeli G & Capacci F
(2019) The Geochemical Landscapes of the Tiber River Basin (Central Italy) as a Product of Chemical and Physical Weathering
Gozzi C, Rantitsch G, Filzmoser P, Sauro Graziano R, Vaselli O, Nisi B & Buccianti A
(2015) Heavy Metals in Soil of Campania Region (Italy): Sources and Risks
De Vivo B, Albanese S, Lima A, Buccianti A, Cicchella D, Minolfi G, Rezza C & Qu C
(2013) Fluid Geochemistry of the Deep CO2-Rich Caprese Reservoir (Northern Apennines, Italy)
Bicocchi G, Tassi F, Bonini M, Capecchiacci F, Ruggieri G, Chiodini G, Buccianti A & Vaselli O
(2013) Geochemical Processes Affecting Stream Water at European Scale Investigated by Differential Scaling Operator (Perturbation) in the Simplex Metric
Buccianti A, Egozcue JJ & Pawlowsky-Glahn V
(2009) Influence of the Analytical Errors in Geochemical Modeling Programs
Bicocchi G, Buccianti A, Montegrossi G & Tassi F
(2007) Statistical Evaluation of Anomalous Compositions in Fluid Geochemistry
Buccianti A, Tassi F & Vaselli O
(2006) Natural fluctuation of sulfur species (SO2, H2S and S80 ) in volcanic fumaroles
Minissale A, Montegrossi G, Tassi F, Vaselli O & Buccianti A
(2000) Bi-Plot Analysis to Explore Major Oxide Composition in Basic Rocks from Filicudi (Aeolian Islands, Southern Italy): Comparison with Classical Harker Diagrams
Buccianti A, Peccerillo A & Santo AP
(2000) Multivariate Analysis of Water Geochemical Data: A Case Study in the Chiavenna Valley (Central Alps, Northern Italy)
Buccianti A, Vaselli O, Minissale A, Tassi F & Gallorini L

Bucciarelli E. (2023) Spatial and Temporal Variability of Particulate Iron and Manganese in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean: Spring vs Winter
Ringard A, Planquette H, Bucciarelli E, Cloete R & Roychoudhury A
(2023) Iron and Mesoscale Eddy Dynamics in the South-West Indian Ocean – RESILIENCE Cruise
Cloete R, Samanta S, Ellis N, Jansen van Vuuren L, Baudet C, Penven P, Herbette S, Roychoudhury A, Bucciarelli E & Planquette H
(2022) Trace Metal Distributions in the South West Indian Ocean (SWINGS Cruise): A Focus on Iron and Manganese
Baudet C, Planquette H, Bucciarelli E, Sarthou G, Pelleter E, Gayet N, Germain Y & Jeandel C
(2019) Early Winter Dissolved Fe Distributions in the Southern Indian Ocean (GEOTRACES GIpr07 Cruise)
van Horsten N, Bucciarelli E, Planquette H, González-Santana D, Mtshali T, Roychoudhury A & Sarthou G
(2017) The Impact of Fe and Cu on the Natural Phytoplankton Communities and on the Complexing Organic Ligand Pool Through Incubation Experiments at the Vicinity of Kerguelen Islands (Southern Ocean)
Gonzalez AG, Sarthou G, Chever F, Bowie A, van der Merwe P, Cheize M, Sirois M, Bucciarelli E, Obernosterer I, Catala P & Blain S
(2017) A Potential Source of Fe Binding Organic Ligands to the Surface Ocean from Wet Deposition
Cheize M, Baudoux A-C, Bucciarelli E, Tagliabue A, Desboeufs K, Baker AR & Sarthou G
(2012) Dissolved Iron in the Vicinity of the Kerguelen Islands, Southern Ocean, during the KEOPS 2 Experiment
Sarthou G, Queroue F, Chever F, Bowie A, van der Merwe P, Bucciarelli E, Fourquez M & Blain S
(2009) A First Look at GEOTRACES Issues from the IPY BONUS GOODHOPE Cruise in the Southern Ocean
Boye M, Achterberg E, Bown J, Bucciarelli E, Cardinal D, Cassar N, Cavagna A-J, Chever F, Dehairs F, Fine RA, Happell J, Joubert W, LeMoigne F, Masqué P, Monteiro P, Planchon F, Sarthou G, Verdeny E, Wake B & Waldron H
(2007) A Multiproxy Approach to Constrain the Origin of the Natural Fertilisation on the Kerguelen Plateau
Jeandel C, Bourquin M, Bowie A, Bucciarelli E, Chever F, Jacquet S, Lacan F, Sarthou G, van Beek P & Venchiarutti C

Buccino M. (2021) Advection and Dispersion of Arsenic at the Bagnoli Bay by a Semi-Anthropogenic Source
Buccino M, Daliri M, Calabrese M & Somma R

Buch A (2004) Amino and Carboxylic Acids in a Mars Soil Analogue from the Atacama Desert
Buch A, Glavin D, Szopa C, Cabane M, Sternberg R, Raulin F, Navarro-Gonzalez R & Mahaffy P
(2004) Detecting Pyrolysis Products from Bacteria in a Mars Soil Analogue
Glavin D, Cleaves J, Schubert M, Aubrey A, Buch A, Mahaffy P & Bada J

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